Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“You can’t take it with you!”

How many times in your life have you heard that phrase? At least once I’m sure. Well what happens to all the things we leave behind? That’s a good question. Seemingly the answer is simple. We leave it behind to those who are left behind in our absence. This spurs on the next question I have. Is what you’re leaving behind worthwhile?

God tells us the legacy we leave behind will affect generations to come. 
Psalm 78:1-7 says,”1 My people, hear my instruction; listen to what I say. 2 I will declare wise sayings; I will speak mysteries from the past 3 things we have heard and known
and that our fathers have passed down to us. 4 We must not hide them from their children, but must tell a future generation the praises of the Lord, His might, and the wonderful works
He has performed. 5 He established a testimony in Jacob and set up a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children 6 so that a future generation children yet to be born—might know. They were to rise and tell their children 7 so that they might put their confidence in God and not forget God’s works, but keep His commands.

Speaking practically, what team do you root for? Who told you to root for that team? Is it because you randomly decided to like that team or did someone influential in your life encourage that behavior? What’s your favorite vacation spot? Who took you there for the first time? What memory is evoked in you when you smell that favorite food? Is it one of someone influential making your favorite meal and leaving a lasting impression? All of these are simple expressions of the impact of a person in your life who may or may not be around any longer. 

Think about some of the things you hope to never do or who you hope to never become. The legacy of that person is one you learned not to emulate. The impression left by some circumstances reminds us how not to behave or act. Always remember the things of this earth will not go with you but they will leave an impression behind. 

So you can’t take it with you, but you can leave it behind. Think of this scripture, and think about the legacy you are passing on to the next generation and not only that one but the one after that and so on. Some of you may be reading this and saying, “my kids are grown, it’s too late” and others, “I don’t have any kids to leave a legacy for”. This scripture isn’t relegated to those who have families at home. It’s value is just as great in those scenarios as well. God wants us to be cognizant of the fact that there are generations to come who can be impacted by the legacy we leave and the stories we have to tell. What legacy will you leave? What story will generations tell of your life? My prayer is the legacy that you leave will be a Godly one. Hopefully your is a story of faith, in the midst of trials, triumphs, failures, and victories. Hopefully you have a story of an unwavering faith and reliance upon Jesus Christ and His atoning work on the cross. Hopefully you have a faith that not only affects us for salvation sake but also impacts the way we approach life daily.

God Bless,

Bro. Grant

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